Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Chaco’s mystery exaggerated?

Professor says ancestral Puebloan site but one town in a much larger trading network stretching to Mexico

Scores drop at Dolores schools

Flap over Confederate flag partly to blame, some say

Bike race a success

A premiere local mountain bike race has proved to be a significant charity force for community youth organizations. Twelve Hours of Mesa Verde attracts riders from across the coun...

Plan to showcase McElmo Flume moves ahead

Additional funding needed for stabilization

Man shot, ejected from moving vehicle in Towaoc

One suspect in custody, another sought

Drivers: Stop, look hard and take a left

After a long battle, residents of Lebanon Estates subdivision were granted approval to remove a controversial no-left turn sign from the intersection of North Loop Road and Road 25. ...

Shop till you drop at market for charity

Pulling out that City Market value card on your key chain or from your wallet when going through the checkout line is old habit for most shoppers. But did you know that City Marke...

Expect smoky skies from planned prescribed burns

Fire managers on the Dolores Ranger District plan to conduct up to four prescribed burns on the San Juan National Forest within the next month. The goals are to return fire as a natural proc...

Ryan Mahoney to leave top post

Manager takes 'big city' job

Unique style brings artwork to life

A white board helps Dolores artist capture a slightly surrealistic West

Go climb a peak! Cross Mountain offers adventure

A good beginner climb is Cross Mountain, accessible from Lizard Head Pass in the San Miguel range. The ridge-type peak is a perfect introduction to basic mountaineering, featuring...

Group promotes hospital district referendum

Ballot issue would lift limits on grant funding