Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Livestock fence hurts boater on Dolores River Property owner wants cooperative solution for issue

A paddle-boarder on the upper Dolores River was injured Sunday, Sept. 15, after getting caught in a wire fence on a private ranch. The Cortez man struggled to free himself from th...

Hey! Don't pocket that shard

Documentary explores loss of indigenous record

Sludge removal to be in 2014

The first pond at the Dolores Sewer Plant is full of it, and you know what "it" is. To clear the situation a routine cleanup is expected to take place in spring 2014. Some 4 feet ...

The art of the farm

Cultural center exhibit honors ag heritage

Fence hurts Dolores boater Property owner wants cooperative solution to problem

A paddle-boarder on the upper Dolores River was injured Sunday, Sept. 15, after getting caught in a wire fence on a private ranch. The Cortez man struggled to free himself from th...

Rain helps replenish McPhee Reservoir

Sunday storm causes mudslides, road closures in La Plata County

Ute election draws younger generation

Oct. 10 vote for chairman, Tribal Council

Veteran, disabled residents will lose their homes

Lifestyle and bitter dispute over lawn too much for landlord to handle

Wednesday’s rains triggers mudslides

More than 3 inches of rain fell in a 24-hour period in the Dolores Valley triggering mudslides onto Colorado Highway 145 near Stoner Wednesday afternoon. Slick red mud caused rest...

Cortez has 2nd homicide in a week

A second homicide in a week occurred Thursday morning (Sept. 19) in Cortez, but as of press time there has been no arrests in either case. Charles Chavez, 62, of Cortez was killed...

Chaco’s mystery exaggerated?

Professor says ancestral Puebloan site but one town in a much larger trading network stretching to Mexico

Scores drop at Dolores schools

Flap over Confederate flag partly to blame, some say