Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Hope for reopening Sagehen may depend on team management

Citizens group proposes employing volunteers to remove trash

U.S. budget stalemate hits counties

Tax payments for U.S. lands remain in limbo until approval

Looking back at a family man, a family newspaper

A true newsman, Larry Pleasant ran the Dolores Star from 1960 to 1977, and the Dove Creek Press between 1961 and 1968. He died Nov. 2 at age 92. His son Andrew spoke to...

Explore the other Mesa Verde: Chaco center of trade

Chaco Canyon, N.M. - For a unique and less crowded archeological excursion, visit the "Capital of the Ancient Southwest" known as Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico.Mesa Ve...

Land locked to public owners

4 million acres of public lands in West remain inaccessible

U.S. budget stalemate hits counties

Tax payments for U.S. lands remain in limbo till approval

Sagehen relies on planning

Officials consider collaborative management

The other Mesa Verde: Chaco center of trade

Chaco Canyon, N.M. - For a unique and less crowded archeological excursion, visit the "Capital of the Ancient Southwest" known as Chaco Culture National Historical Park in New Mexico.Mesa Ve...

Rare ice fog shrouds Dolores area

Mist topped out at 6,500 feet, may fade Tuesday

Unusual ice fog shrouds the valley

Cold mist topped out at about 6,500 feet

Rare ice fog shrouds Cortez area

Mist topped out at 6,500 feet, may fade Tuesday

Careful planning could reopen Sagehen

Officials consider collaborative management with citizens