Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Overlook Trail awarded grant

The Overlook Trail that will connect Dolores with House Creek and the Boggy Draw trail system has received some donated labor. On Dec. 12, Great Outdoors of Colorado awarded Dolor...

Offshore drilling aids local efforts

Royalties directed to four area projects

Lone Mesa continues planning

Fledgling state park closed since '99 purchase

Dolores gets grant for Overlook Trail

$25,200 for youth work crews

Men in hard hats, students gearing up for campus upgrade

Construction of a major upgrade for the Dolores Schools campus is beginning to ramp up. Fencing, construction equipment and men in hard hats will be swarming the site for the rema...

Supporters of Sagehen camping encounter a new test

It may take more than a routine archaeology survey and volunteer efforts to reopen the Sagehen recreation area to overnight camping. Since June, advocates have been pushing for re...

Utes take on environmental issues

Buildings cleared, old leaking landfill will be capped

Lone Mesa continues planning

Fledgling state park closed since 1999 purchase, but it will be worth wait

Mountain lion mysteries revealed

Exhibit at Anasazi Cultural Center shows history, behavior of big cat

Water board chips in for McElmo Flume

Montezuma County applies for grant to restore foundation of historical site

My big cat moments

During my tenure in Dolores, I've had three close encounters with wild felines. Once, three blue-eyed bobcat kittens graced my presence during an early morning bike ride. On another foray, I...

Mountain lion mysteries revealed

Exhibit at Anasazi center shows history, behavior of big cat