Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Snowpack measuring at 80 percent of normal

Recharged soil will aid in runoff

Review Wild novel set in Dolores River Valley

Double Dare, a new book by Michael Madigan, is a fictional story that takes place at an adventure ranch along the Dolores River. Blake Cutter created his Double Dare ranch for adr...

Snowpack at 80 percent of normal

Recharged soil will aid in runoff

Nature's classroom keeps kids interested, parents entertained

Children use senses to learn about forest, and scat's a top draw

Mule deer populations are on the decline

Animals in Groundhog, Mesa Verde hit hardest

S.W. Colorado mule deer populations suffer 15-year decline

Animals in Groundhog, Mesa Verde hit hardest

Budget shortchanges Western states

No funds to compensate for tax-exempt federal lands; Tipton holds out hope for farm bill

CDOT plans major projects for Montezuma County

Get ready to slow down and dodge orange cones in 2014. Several area highway projects are planned for this year by the Colorado Department of Transportation. A presentation was gi...

Pub hosting Dolores River permit party

Fundraiser benefits Dolores Boating Advocates

Musical high note

Local man designs, launches a music stand that doubles as its own carrying case

Proposed trail would connect Cortez, Mancos

Steering committee is being formed to consider 17-mile recreation trail

Brew pub hosting Dolores River permit party

Fundraiser benefits Dolores Boating Advocates, plans bluegrass show