Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Farm Bill legalizes hemp for research

Federal law keeps universities out of legal trouble

Ranching key for economy

Tipton warns of "government overreach"

Ranch royalty

Sidney Snyder named Stockman of the Year; Joylene Higgins is Cowbelle of the Year

Sophia Peace Center alive and well, and focusing on retreats

It was a hunting lodge, then a steak restaurant, then a failed golf resort. In 2006, the massive lodge on Granath mesa north of Dolores received a breath of fresh air when the Cen...

Ten Republicans announce campaigns for public office

Ten Republicans announced their candidacy for elected positions in Montezuma County during a standing room only party lunch Thursday at Shilohs in Cortez. Sheriff Sheri...

Cortez history funded for flume repairs

Agricultural relic deemed worthy of saving

S.W. Colorado Livestock Association holding annual meeting

A “State of the Union” for local agricultural interests will be presented by the Southwest Colorado Livestock Association all day Saturday at the Cortez Elks Lodge, followed by a banquet in ...

Phil's World tops mountain biking charts

Phil's World, the popular singletrack putting Cortez on the mountain biking map, is holding its No. 1 rating on MTBProject.com. The nationwide poll shows people within an unlimite...

Uranium mill may be facing lawsuit

Group alleges violations at White Mesa mill, west of Cortez

Board votes to increase Dolores River flow

Appropriation process delayed until 2015

Sophia Peace Center alive and well

Plan is to focus on professional and spiritual retreats

Uranium mill may face suit

Group alleges violations at White Mesa mill, west of Cortez