Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Hemp revival receives support

It’s legal, but market <br/>presents challenges

Sheriff challenger Nowlin top pick for GOP ballot

Incumbent Spruell must petition on by March 31

Bennet touts bipartisan successes in Cortez

Senator lauds Farm Bill, condemns divisive rhetoric

Court remodel plans presented

State likely to pick up half the tab

PBS films at Indian Camp ruin

TV series utilizes new archaeology technology

HerStory Plays portray pioneers who left local legacies

The theatrical performance, HerStory, packed the Cortez Cultural Center last week. An audience of 90 enjoyed three one-act plays on pioneer women who influenced Rico and Disappoin...

Liquid gold

County becomes one of Colo.’s top honey producers

Storms raise McPhee forecast

Reservoir full-service users getting 15 inches per acre, district says

Totten revived for irrigation

A experimental irrigation program using Totten Reservoir is helping out McElmo Canyon farmers. The small lake, east of Cortez, is owned by the Dolores Water Conservancy District. ...

PBS films show at Crow Canyon, Indian Camp ruin

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center and a ruin at Indian Camp Ranch are being featured in the PBS series Time Team America. "The Lost Pueblo Village" episode will be screened at the...

HerStory: Three one-act plays portray pioneer women who left legacies locally

The theatrical performance, HerStory, packed the Cortez Cultural Center last week. An audience of 90 enjoyed three one-act plays on pioneer women who influenced Rico and Disappoin...

Totten revived for irrigation

A experimental irrigation program using Totten Reservoir is helping out McElmo Canyon farmers. The small lake, east of Cortez, is owned by the Dolores Water Conservancy District. ...