Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Schools continue uphill struggle

Overall score rises; 2 schools climb, 3 slide, 2 hold ground

Orchard-picking becoming a niche market

Produce seller collects forgotten bounty

Work crews will arrive soon to build trail

Overlook Trail will take two years to complete

Town slows down traffic

Dolores adds rules for safety, crowd control

The road to Yucca House will remain open

Road must remain open till alternative is found

Group considers Mesa Verde roundup

Auction could pit group against slaughterhouse

Overruns zero-out fair's bank account

Expenses for music event, management blamed

Overruns zero out fair’s bank account

Expenses for music event, management blamed

Piñon takes prevention to peer level

Talking with kids about preventing suicide among their peers can be the difference between life and death. The Piñon Project is working to encourage those conversations through a...

'We've risen from the ashes like a Phoenix'

Hollywood Bar celebrates <br/>post-fire revival

Forgotten pipe could remedy mudflats

McPhee ponds designed to be filled, but jurisdiction is unclear

Reservoir would destroy habitat of 2 rare plants

Two species thought to exist only in Lone Mesa State Park