Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Toy connoisseur opens shop of dreams

Dolores store features used merchandise, hobby items

Public invited to Veterans Day event at high school

On Veterans Day, Nov. 11, a Dolores tradition honoring those who served will take place at the Dolores High School Auxiliary Gym beginning at 9 a.m. The 6th annual Veterans Day Pr...

Tarantino wins county approval

Producers like southwest Colorado

Toy connoisseur opens shop in Dolores

Features used merchandise, hobby items

Lambert coasts to easy victory

Commissioner takes office Jan. 1

Lambert coasts to victory

New commissioner takes office Jan. 1

Lambert and Percell coast to victory

New county commissioner, clerk take office Jan. 1

Hard-work stories

Dennis and Sue Story retire after decades of service in county government

Officials discuss the McPhee marina

Doc’s ready to go, must go to bid

District Re-1 plans health clinic in high school

Montezuma-Cortez School District believes the link between health and academics is so important that it plans a school-based health clinic at the new high school. Using a $25,000 ...

Kinder Morgan sues county

Energy giant says permit requirement is illegal

‘Bounty Hunters’ filmed in Cortez

Reality show features two local bounty hunters