Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Town faces parking issue

Angled parking interferes with road maintenance

Manager of House Creek sits on campground primed for revival

Manager of House Creek sits on campground primed for revival

K9 Search and Rescue plans pancake fundraiser

Pancake breakfast on Aug. 8 supports mission

Support K9 Search and Rescue

Fundraiser Aug. 8 supports mission

K9 Search and Rescue plans fundraiser

Pancake breakfast on Aug. 8 supports mission

Glade grazing might be revised

Forest proposes allotment adjustments, more cowboys

Weber erosion hurts farms

Pipeline to replace flooding ditches

Weather favors Four Corners El Niño, monsoon ease drought

The weather has turned in favor of more moisture for Southwest Colorado into September, signaling a possible drought-buster. "It's one of our better monsoons we have seen in awhil...

Weather favors Four Corners area

El Niño, monsoon combine to ease drought

Weber fire erosion hurts Mancos farms

Pipeline to replace muddy ditches

Glade ranches face changes

Forest proposes allotment adjustments, more cowboys

West Fork plans for fire

Volunteers needed to create fire department