Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

Ute tribe considers renewables

Forum explores shift from oil, gas

The New M-CHS: Students eat made-from-scratch meals from new kitchen

It used to be school cafeterias served up pre-prepared, processed foods, much of it stored in 10-pound cans lining the storage room. Not at the new Montezuma-Cortez High School. ...

National Resource encourages more public input

Federal agricultural service restarting local work-group meetings

County expands on-demand MoCo bus service

Wheelchair-accessible bus added

Ride the Ancients to be Oct. 11

A rite of passage for road cyclists is completing a "century" - 100 miles in a day. That opportunity has arrived locally with the inaugural Ride of the Ancients on Oct. 11. ...

Elder is named Ranger of Year

Park manager credits volunteers, seasonal staff

Two Dolores icons close up shop

Hollywood Bar, Naked Moose are out; franchise may be in

Hiker rescued near Stoner Mesa

Three-day search involved multiple agencies

County expands MoCo bus service

Wheelchair-accessible bus added

Pipeline company plans noise mitigation measures

Pipeline company plans mitigation measures at pump station

National Resource wants more input

Federal agricultural service plans restarting work group meetings

Pipeline company plans noise mitigation measures

Pipeline company plans mitigation measures at pump station