Jim Mimiaga
Position: Journal staff writer

High Desert Conservation District seeks mill levy

Half-mill would fund agricultural programs and staff

Rec Center tax passes, Wheelus elected mayor of Dolores

In Tuesday’s municipal elections, Cortez voters approved a measure to extend and reduce the sales tax that funds the Cortez Recreation Center, and voted in board members for local towns,...

Montezuma Social Services director resigns amid questions; commissioners silent

Forkner served since 2014; district attorney investigating

Firefighters respond to fire at Days Inn in Cortez

Fire extinguished; three fire agencies respond

A fiery week: A summary of recent fires in Montezuma County

‘We are anticipating a heavy fire season,’ assistant chief says

Three restaurants compete in search for best green chile

Absolute, Beny’s and Oscar’s make shortlist for best green chile in Colorado

Republican Assembly nominates candidates in Dolores

Incumbents Catlin and Coram easily make primary ballot

Tourism trends upward in Montezuma County tourism

Lodgers tax, visitation numbers rise in 2017

New Dolores town manager has deep well of experience

Colorado native managed towns, business ventures

Lawmakers Coram and Catlin discuss guns, water and internet

Residents listen, ask questions of Catlin, Coram in Dolores

Four Corners chapter of Red Cross needs volunteers

Chapter restarted after hiatus

Two counties renew debate over conservation status for Dolores River

Montezuma County urges Dolores to drop the idea for river