Gail Vanik
Position: Gail's Garden

It’s fall, so back off the fertilizer

Although I’m a huge fan of fertilizer, there is one time of the year when it shouldn’t be applied, and that is during the fall season. Fertilizer sends nutrients to your plants that gives th...

Steps to ensure plants’ health before bringing them inside

The weather is finally beginning to cool down, and you may be thinking of moving your houseplants back inside for the winter. It’s a great way to continue enjoying them, but there are some s...

Apples beckon in fall

Trees planted in autumn will root in before cold weather arrives

What can go wrong this growing season

It’s that time of year when your mouth waters for a fresh, red, ripe, juicy tomato, but sometimes when you go out to pick one, you find that they aren’t forming the way they should or that t...

How to water when you’re away

Mulch works for a while, but a watering system works better over time

How to counter a grasshopper offensive

Try enlisting an enemy to control the ancient foe

Why rain is better than water

Lightning helps form nitrates – nature’s fertilizer

Favorites for hot weather

To beat the heat, try angelonia, lantana and zinnia

The poppy of Flanders Fields: a Memorial Day symbol of sacrifice

Red poppy rises from World War I battlefields to a place of honor

The two faces of strawberries

Strawberries are probably close to being one of the most perfect things to grow. They take up fairly little space and are easy to grow. Many of the new varieties are everbearing, which means...

Soil: The roots of success

A customer came into the garden center the other day with a plant that was clearly struggling. We took one look at the roots and said, “Did you plant this in XYZ potting soil?” His mouth fel...

Harden off your seedling before planting

If you’re new to gardening, you might have heard the term “hardening off.” As a new plant parent, generally the first thing you are anxious to do when you bring your babies home, is to plant...