Gabi Morey
Position: Staff reporter

Waldman and Sennott: The crisis in journalism has become a crisis of democracy

By Steven Waldman and Charles Sennott Shortly after starting as a newspaper reporter in the coal-fields region of eastern Kentucky, Will Wright wrote an alarming article about how...

Tingey: Reauthorize the lottery, continue funding our way of life

Colorado’s public lands have enormous influence on our state’s culture and economy, and the state’s place for adventure is also why I’m proud the business my husband and I own, Alpacka Raft,...

Cooper: Teachers wanted - ISO collaborators, team players, life-long learners

It’s hiring season for the Dolores School District. “Teachers wanted!” Every spring we are recruiting for the best teachers willing to embrace the challenges of educating our out...

Jollon: Gun violence is a public health issue

According to the Colorado Health Information Dataset, 781 people died from gunshot wounds in Colorado in 2016, more than died from motor vehicle accidents. Of those killed with guns, 605 die...

Thiessen: Liberals don’t hate America and conservatives are not racists

WASHINGTON – I’m a rock-ribbed conservative who wants Republicans to keep control of Congress. But I’m not unhappy that Republican state Rep. Rick Saccone lost the special election in Pennsy...

Littwin: With layoffs, Post owners are looting the public trust

I’ve been lamenting the news of the latest devastating round of layoffs at the already-decimated Denver Post. Well, I’m sick of lamenting. The question now is what can we do about...

The Utah Headliners: FOIA is the speedometer, not the cop writing tickets

The Utah Headliners Sunshine Week is here, and we who value government transparency are again celebrating the laws that allow us to know what our local, state and federal governme...

How to make, not break, sage-grouse recovery

If you’ve farmed, ranched or owned land in the West, you’ve probably participated in a few discussions about the greater sage-grouse and its imperiled habitat. After two years of ...

Cooke: Transportation fix hits partisan speedbump

On the opening day of the current legislative session, Senate Republicans introduced a $3.5 billion state transportation plan. If approved by voters in November, Senate Bill 18-0...

Rankin: Common core standards, are we ready for a change?

Remember “Common Core”? That term first appeared in 2010. It referred, at that time, to the controversial math and English language arts standards that Colorado, along with 41 other states, ...

Gerson: Billy Graham was consumed by grace and gratitude

WASHINGTON – He was easily the most influential evangelical Christian of the 20th century – a man at home in the historical company of George Whitefield and John Wesley. But this ...

Hoyt: The next generation - America’s future farmers and ranchers depend upon training and education today

If you’ve ever gone to the opening day of your local farmers market only to find some of your favorite farmers aren’t in business anymore, you’re not alone. As a farmer myself, I...