Erika Alvero
Position: Special to The Journal
Phone Number: (970), 564-6029

Library director leaves Cortez

Eric Ikenouye heads to Oregon after five-plus years

Mancos Creative District offers arts scholarship

The Mancos Creative District is currently accepting applications for a scholarship that will be awarded to one artistic student. The Create 81328! Scholarship fund was established...

Mancos approves Municode contract, continues subdivision hearing

Trustees waiting for CDOT access permits for new site

Cortez Women’s March focuses on rights, elections

Speaker urges marchers to push voting this year

Cortez official’s Facebook post spurs City Council discussion

Planning commissioner McDaniel: ‘Lighthearted comment’ not meant to disrespect veterans

Mancos open house next Wednesday

Project-based learning on display at annual event

Land use code actions might pause

Staff wants to review process with more community buy-in

Four seats open for Mancos Town Board

In this year’s municipal election, four open seats on the Mancos Town Board will be contested. The election will happen April 7, and interested candidates have until Jan. 27 to ci...

New deputy in Mancos Marshal’s Office

Also: Board approves protocol for officer-involved shooting situations

Jeep, personal belongings stolen outside Burger Boy

18-year-old, who lived in vehicle, seeks assistance

M-CMS hopes for new playground

Students, school and city applying for GOCO grant

‘The Blacksmith’ will play at Mancos Opera House

Tickets are available for an opera coming to the Mancos Opera House in May. “The Blacksmith,” a two-act French comic opera that is being updated to Mancos in the late 19th century...