Elizabeth Shogren

More sage grouse habitat is open for drilling

Oil and gas leasing will be allowed in key sagebrush lands

Zinke’s fire memo calls for aggressive forest thinning

The policy ignores major drivers of West’s fires

A new balance: The undoing of Obama’s environmental policy

The courts have slowed some environmental rollbacks, but many have moved ahead

The days of $10 senior National Park passes are ending

And seniors are rushing to get one before they’re gone

Meet Jane, a climate scientist who fled the government

Worries about science censorship drove her from her post at the Energy Department

Trump’s administration blocks drilling near a national park

The president’s commitment to oil and gas development gets tested

Western governors see a partner in EPA’s Pruitt

A bipartisan group couldn’t get what they wanted from the old EPA

Will interior secretary meet conservationists’ expectations?

<span class="Drop cap">Montana’s Zinke has mixed record</span>

BLM fracking rule is struck down in Wyoming federal court

Enviros hope for a successful appeal

How the BLM is overhauling land-use planning

Agency increases public involvement

Revamped chemical safety law gives EPA more power

The bipartisan measure represents the most sweeping environmental law to pass Congress in decades

Mapping the large-scale loss of natural areas in the West

Urban sprawl, energy development, agriculture and forestry have an ever-larger footprint