Don Oliver
Position: Staff reporter

It’s cold, now what do I do?

Recently, at a New Year’s Day football game watch party, I was asked by someone what I wear to fly fish when the air temperature is 32 degrees. The answer to that question was a golf shirt,...

Fishing in feeder streams

It’s a win-win situation in my book

A reunion on the Hermosa River

Some favorite spots are still in the altered Middle Fork

High, fast and deep

Adjusting to fish at record water levels

Sometimes ya just gotta laugh

Fishing, and failing, in Belize

Staying safe and dry

Tips on fishing after a record snow pack

Two words: ‘Keep out’

Thoughts on fishing, navigating private property

Blast and cast

Visiting old friends, hunting dove and fly fishing in Texas

There’s more to fly fishing than catching

Just getting out can be rewarding

Hooked on no hook

A fly fishing experiment with the hooks cut off

Fish small area lakes for large amounts of fun

Depending on the lake, you can catch trout, bass, carp, panfish and catfish

Tips for a first-time buyer

Deciding where you’ll fly-fish is a good first step Let’s say someone near and dear to you gave you a shop-till-you-drop card redeemable at your local fly shop. The only problem, even though...