David Edward Albright
Position: Tri-City Record

Fire reported at Kirtland Central High School

Students learn remotely as crews work on repairs

Celtic Angels Ireland to perform at Farmington Civic Center

Previously scheduled show was canceled by pandemic

‘Anamnesis – The Remembering of Things’ invites reflection on social issues

Christy Ferrato’s art spans spectrum of mixed media

Suspect in custody after allegedly showing a gun at Farmington High

Police continue investigation after school lockdown

Team Guardian welcomed home by San Juan County officials

First responders honored for rowing mission across the Atlantic

Farmington police invite public to join them for ‘Taco Tuesday’

Officers will meet with residents at two Taco Bell locations

Farmington High School locked down after report of a weapon

Two students reported that a student showed them a weapon

Business retention and expansion survey underway by 4CED

SBDC and 4CED seek business input – offers free assistance

American Ballet Theatre Studio Company coming to San Juan College

Dance into spring with professionalism, artistry and innovation by rising ballet stars

The Big Idea Makerspace at San Juan College is for innovators and creators

‘Space’ will seek a new technician to staff the facility

Farmington Police Department accepted into peer intervention project

Officers will use national hub for training, technical assistance and research

‘Send a Runner’ authors video presentation to be shown at San Juan College

Eskeets, Kristofic will read selections and share insights