Colette Czarnecki
Position: Journal staff writer

Prescribed burn well underway 5 miles northeast of Dolores

San Juan National Forest’s Dolores Ranger District plans to burn on 1,094 acres

Yellow Jacket Livestock Auction just became Colorado’s newest sale barn

With modernized equipment and intentional design, Zane Odell has ranchers, cattle and employees in mind

Unity of Community group focuses on what it means to harmonize in Cortez

‘We want to focus on the traits deeper than just being civil’

Mesa Verde will host NASA scientists and park rangers for Saturday’s eclipse

A high concentration of visitors is expected to crowd the park

Crow Canyon is deemed an Enterprise Zone contribution project

Crow Canyon’s donors of $250 or more can utilize tax credits

Internationally acclaimed artist Ed Singer exhibits his show ‘Yellow Narrative’ in Cortez

‘My portfolio offers an opportunity for Diné to participate in our own pride, to see ourselves as we are today’

Big influx of travelers expected this week to view eclipse in Four Corners

CDOT urges motorists to drive carefully and be aware

Motorists should expect delays on the Mancos Hill and Durango

Maintenance crews are filling potholes, repairing slopes and clearing mudslide debris

Axis Health System’s aim to monitor and regulate blood pressure earned them an award

The American Heart Association and American Medical Association rewarded Axis the Target BP: Silver Award

A father claims Montezuma County Fair Board ruled unfairly against his 12-year-old

He’s ready to fight for her rights and find answers

Ballot measure would realign Rico students with Telluride School District

5A detaches Rico’s school children from Dolores County School District to attend class in Telluride district

Logging company loses battle to rezone 10 acres near Carpenter Natural Area

Cortez City Council members say they need to look out for environment and nearby residents