Brian Eason
Position: The Colorado Sun

Colorado lawmakers are finalizing a budget that boosts K-12 and health care

Facing a $170 million shortfall at the start of the week, lawmakers on the Joint Budget Committee slashed spending

Colorado could owe $2 billion in taxpayer refunds. That will squeeze next year’s state budget

The state’s quarterly economic forecast in March takes on special importance, because the estimates determine how much the legislature has to spend in its annual budget

Colorado conservatives want a property tax cap. The state’s bipartisan tax commission hates the idea

Policymakers are trying to mitigate sticker shock for homeowners without harming public services like schools and emergency responders

Colorado’s public defenders say they need 230 more attorneys to provide effective counsel

Biggest factor driving need is a 4,500% increase in volume of evidence in the digital age

Colorado officials thought they had 3 more years to spend $1.5B in federal COVID aid. They have 11 months

State officials blamed the time crunch on shifting guidance from the U.S. Treasury Department

The housing market has buoyed Colorado’s state budget. That may not last

It was the first major financial update for lawmakers since they approved $434 million in property tax cuts during the special legislative session in November

Colorado state worker pay has improved. Other jobs still pay more

State workers make 8% less than their peers in comparable jobs. And the state’s retirement benefits don’t make up for the pay gap like they used to

How Democrats are using Colorado’s special session to steer tax relief toward the working poor

Legislature’s majority pushing to redirect $185 million in state taxpayer refund money to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit

Colorado vote reties fiscal knot on Gallagher and taxes

Fickle electorate sends mixed messages on taxes with big implications for the future

Colorado’s bond sale to pay for state roads sees high demand

For once, some good budget news. Colorado received an $111 million premium on a debt issuance of $500 million, thanks to strong investor demand for state-issued debt. A...

Colorado lawmakers move to repeal Gallagher property tax amendment

Ballot measure appears fast-tracked for passage with bipartisan support

Coronavirus may trigger property tax cut in Colorado, crippling local budgets

Reductions would slash school district revenue by an estimated $491 million