Young professionals promote Cortez

Goal is involvement in community

The Cortez Chamber of Commerce has launched a networking group for young business-minded people to connect.

The new group, for people ages 21 to 40, has already drawn a variety of professionals including the city manager to someone in the medical marijuana industry, said Kinsey Ertel, who is organizing the group.

“It’s very apparent there is a need and desire with this kind of opportunity,” she said. Ertel also said the group isn’t particularly strict about age limits.

The group, which has met twice since February, aims to get younger professionals involved in community leadership through networking and professional development.

“We feel very strongly in the promotion of Cortez,” she said.

Ertel hopes professional development will include sharing information on upcoming legislation, training on human relations and workshops on new technology. She also plans for the group to get involved in a volunteer project.

Networking events will rotate through breakfast, lunch and dinner events to give as many people as possible the opportunity to attend, meet new people and have fun.

“It’s not completely serious and straightlaced the whole time,” she said.

The next networking event will be April 9 from 5 to 7 p.m at Pepperhead.

The group will also be putting on a meet-the-candidates event April 28.

The forum will include candidates for county commissioner, sheriff and coroner.

The group invites interested professionals to connect with the Cortez Chamber of Commerce via Facebook to keep up with events. Find them at: