
Yes on National Popular Vote this fall

I am the president of the League of Women Voters of Colorado. Congressman John Lewis was a legend and icon for his many accomplishments, including his long-standing activism on behalf of voting rights. Among his many keen observations was this: “The right to vote is precious and almost sacred, and one of the most important blessings of our democracy ... We must ensure every vote and every voter counts.”

With his passing, let’s take a moment to reflect on the progress we’ve made over his lifetime and, most importantly, what we must still accomplish.

In front of every Colorado voter this fall will be an innovative way to expand the voting rights of every Coloradan and American. It is called Proposition 113 or the National Popular Vote. The League of Women Voters supports it and encourages all Coloradans to vote Yes. When enacted, the National Popular Vote will make sure every vote for president matters and every voter across the country is relevant in each presidential election.

The National Popular Vote ensures that the candidate who receives the most popular votes throughout the country will win. It treats the race for president like a nationwide election – because that’s what it really is – by making sure every vote from every state is counted toward each candidate’s grand total.

Let’s get one step closer to Congressman Lewis’ goal by making sure one person always equals one vote. This fall, let’s vote Yes on Proposition 113, the National Popular Vote.

Karen SheekCortez