In response to George Sharpe’s recent guest column, he’s wrong that there is not evidence of oil and gas posing danger to people’s health, and the industry doesn’t need further regulation.
People in my neighborhood have had their well water contaminated by the toxic chemicals that are injected deep into the ground with fracking. They can no longer drink the water. This is a tragedy for us and for future generations.
Scientists, not with special interest groups, have done thousands of studies showing the hazards. One study found that within 3,000 feet of a gas well, residents had up to twice the rate of health problems compared to those who lived more than 6,000 feet away.
This industry is also a huge contributor to climate change. My neighbors who are farmers and ranchers, and observe the land closely have seen the changes to our landscapes. Trees dying, frogs, many birds, insects, wildflowers and other plants and animals are gone or barely hanging on because of climate change.
Farmers and ranchers are struggling to make a living and want to pass on something good to their offspring. Let’s learn about regenerative farming and ranching, and use imagination to find new ways to be profitable and be good stewards. Let’s urge our government to support these folks as we transition away from destructive energy sources.
Sharpe’s industry labels all who care about our lands as “fear mongering environmentalists.” Many types of people care about being good stewards of our earth.
Mary K. Lehman