Women, ‘don’t vote for Republicans’

On June 24, 2022, the Republican-packed Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the Republican Party proving the GOP is no friend of women’s rights. Republicans are not now and have not been on the side of women’s rights since the Reagan era! They have reduced women to the status of cattle, believing women are too stupid to know how to take care of themselves. But a woman’s choice is no one else’s business, not your parents, your spouse, not the government, not even God. It is the woman’s choice exclusively.

While the Republican Party forsakes women’s needs and rights, many women still vote for Republican candidates. This just doesn’t make sense.

I’m not saying you should vote for Democrats (although the Democrat Party does have a proven track record of supporting women’s rights). I said don’t vote for Republicans. Vote for yourself, vote for your sisters and daughters.

The Republican Party wants to keep women as second-class citizens just as women were before Roe v. Wade or Title IX. But women make up 68.4% of the electorate, more than half of all voters and you can make the difference at the polls on Election Day this November. So think long and hard before you vote for another Republican candidate ... then don’t.

John Egan
