Oh, my goodness! The letter on Sept. 21 in The Journal with the headline “Don't let Texan gain office,” cries out for a rational response. What a bunch of malarkey. I have listened carefully to what House District 59 candidate Shelli Shaw has to say for the past six months. The ideas presented by the letter writer are purely fiction. First, since when is the government of Texas unrepresentative?
Texans get to vote for representatives just like every other state in the union. Second, the United States Postal Service can barely deliver the daily in a timely manner, let alone deliver something as important as our ballot. This letter writer seems to object strenuously that Shaw moved here recently from Texas but seems not to have minded when Barbara Noseworthy was on the ballot for City Council soon after moving here from somewhere else!
Shaw is not in favor of “the tyranny of big government” as proclaimed in the letter. In fact, most everything said is nothing but talking points spewed out by the extremely biased mainstream media that is discredited over and over again.
Shaw is talking to people of the district, and actually hears what their needs and wants are. Shaw is transparent, approachable and willing to listen to anyone.
Where has Barbara McLachlan been? Has anyone seen her campaigning lately? The letter writer sounds afraid that the one-party government he so loves may not come to pass.
Vote Shelli Shaw for freedom and representation.
Jackie O'Karma