I want to congratulate The Journal for their reporting on the weed issue here in Montezuma County. I read with concern your three articles, because I have acreage that I continually need to control for the heavily invasive Canada thistle. I now have a neighbor’s pasture just full of this fast-spreading thistle, blowing seeds onto my property where there once was some control. I am very grateful to Ms. Anderson who helped me several years ago obtain funds for a sprayer and herbicide with which to control the thistle. But I still must patrol my pasture to cull the species daily, which has no natural enemies in our county. I was also notified in writing last year that I had an infestation of hoary cress (“whitetops”) and was advised to take some action, which I did this year.
Thank you, all you weed management folks, for the worthwhile job you did. I wish you were still here!
Tulli Kerstetter