
We have time to remember real priorities

OK, make of it what you will, but we have been stopped!

Our supersonic, high speed merry-go-round has been stopped. Thank God! We have all been sent home to stay behind closed doors to listen.

It’s hard to listen when we are all so busy all the time, hustling to uphold the comforts and conveniences that have structured our lives. We’ve been given this time and space in which to remember our real obligations and priorities. Our obligation is to each other. It has always been that way, but so much has gotten in the way of our remembering.

It really is true that the foundation, as we have known it, is giving way, buckling under the weight of all our needs and desires. And none of us is truly well; all of us are suffering to some degree. When I hear a mother and father say they do not know what to do with their own child it is a sure sign of a disconnect from Life. Surely, they are suffering.

We must move beyond our individual concerns and consider, as well, the concerns of all lives.

When we can relinquish the controlling master we have made out of money and make it become a healthy partner, our lives can become healing, fulfilling, purposeful and we will have enough.

Stay home! Reconnect with yourself, your family and your community. Such gained strength can endure and overcome anything, and not alone!

Sheila WheelerDolores