Who feels safe right now? I don’t. I’m worried about my new business, kids, neighbors and country, and the Ukrainian people. This week, I wondered if others in Southwest Colorado also feel unsafe?
I decided the place to find out was the town hall with Ms. Naomi Dobbs from Rep. Jeff Hurd’s office. I went alone. I got there early and planned to state my main concern – there are “points of no return,” i.e., decisions that can’t be undone. The room filled to 50 with about 200 more outside. We hoped Ms. Dobbs would come. But, she didn’t. So, we told the stories we came to share to one another.
Every. Single. Story was about folks not feeling safe. People spoke of being illegally fired and of needing to fire employees due to the Trump-endorsed cuts to the federal workforce. Neighbors stated that without Social Security they would be destitute. Seniors and veterans spoke about how without Medicare and VA benefits they would not have lifesaving medications. Another said wildfire risk is high and seasonal fire crews are being cut.
I learned that Ms. Dobbs did, in fact, come to Dolores. And because even with a sheriff escort she did not feel safe, she missed hearing these stories of her constituents who also don’t feel safe. We are wired to feel safe through relationship – by being offered help when we ask for help.
Rep. Hurd, Southwest Colorado is asking for help. Let’s mend fences and all feel safe again.
Heidi Steltzer