
Water line construction starting up in Cortez

Water bubbles up, right, as city workers try to shut off the valve at Main and Harrison streets in 2015.

Water line construction and drainage improvement work will begin in Cortez after the Labor Day weekend, Public Works director Phil Johnson said Thursday.

About 3,900 feet of 6- and 8-inch waterline will be installed, as well as 245 feet of 12-inch storm drain line, valves, fire hydrants and other infrastructure items. Construction will start this week and is expected to continue until the end of October.

The affected areas are Henry Street from Main Street to Montezuma Avenue, Montezuma Avenue from Henry Street to Sligo Street and S. Market Street from Seventh Street to 10 Street. Storm drain work along Edith Street also will begin.

At their meeting Aug. 9, Cortez City Council members awarded a $496,774 contract for the project to D&L Construction of Cortez, which had the lowest of five bids, according to city documents.

The current infrastructure is aging, and the water lines have had continual breaks, Johnson said.

“They have been problematic with having leaks and needing repairs,” he said. “We’re having multiple failures.”

When water lines leak, water comes to the surface and then follows the path of gravity, which most often is to the south, Johnson said.

The contractor’s regular work hours can be from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday, Johnson said.

There may be periodic road closures. There will be advance notice to residents when contractors are working in their immediate areas, and people are asked not to park vehicles on the street during those times. Cars will be towed if they are parked on the street.

Anyone with special needs or requirements for access to their home is asked to call the Cortez Public Works office at 565-7320.