
Warning shot fired after snow shoveling dispute

Saturday evening incident at Lightner Creek Mobile Home Park under investigation

A dispute about snow shoveling Saturday evening among three men at the Lightner Creek Mobile Home Park led to a warning shot being fired into the ground.

La Plata County Sheriff’s deputies are investigating to determine whether anyone would be cited, said Sgt. Wes Doughty on Sunday.

One man fired a warning shot into the ground from a 9mm handgun, and two other men, one carrying a shovel and one carrying a flashlight, were the main parties involved in the dispute, which broke out between 5 and 6 p.m.

The men were separated and detained for questioning, and Doughty said investigators would review their statements as well as body camera footage from deputies.

The three men were the main “instigators” Doughty said, but other people might have been involved in the fracas.

“I think one individual may have been actually shoveling snow onto another vehicle. I guess almost like in an antagonistic manner. And then a disturbance broke out in the middle of the park,” Doughty said.

Names of the men involved were not released pending further investigation.

No one was arrested on scene, and Sheriff’s Office investigators will determine Monday whether any of the men will be cited, Doughty said.

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