
‘Vote wisely, thoughtfully’

With the upcoming midterm election, I worry that voters fill out their ballots based on how a candidate looks or is advertised rather than on experience or policies.

Please ask yourself these questions before casting your ballot: Will I vote party line because I have always voted Republican or Democrat?

Did I look into all the candidate’s policies and positions, and consider how those may benefit me, my district, state and country?

What is an incumbent’s voting record and does that candidate truly represent me?

Am I voting because a single issue is of utmost importance to me, nevermind that a candidate is rude, ineffective, inexperienced, opposed to other issues I might care about or benefit from?

Have I looked past headlines, ads, slogans, memes and tweets to know both sides of an issue?

Am I voting for (blank) because I recognize their name or that she/he is good-looking?

Does the candidate have similar spiritual values in words and actions?

Am I voting my emotions – fear, anger, apathy, hope – or my intellect?

Few candidates are perfect. To borrow from Dan Rather, I will be voting for substance not showboating, legislation not lies, policy not publicity. Please, vote wisely and thoughtfully because your vote matters.

Sandy Bielenberg
