How dare Justices Alito and Thomas act angry or miffed after their partisan, misogynistic, theocratic decision. They got what they wanted, what they lied to Congress for – overturning Roe v. Wade – after saying they would not. Now with outrage directed at them, they go full snowflake and act indignant, pompous and disdainful. Shameful. The written opinion supporting their decision is made up of so much illogic, noise, smoke and kicked dust. I really doubt they even believe it. They were cultivated, paid off over the years, controlled and pampered for just this purpose. They finally deliver what the venal GOP patriarchy behind them wants, then they act sulky, resentful and offended when we rise up and disrespect their corrupt actions? What disembodied, grossly entitled, wimps.
Vote out the GOP liars! Take back seats in both Houses! Restore modern secular government! Bring back respect for the framers’ separation of church and state! Fortify respecting science. Reinvigorate statesmanship! May our outrage fuel our action! Politics may be a messy endeavor, but the GOP has brought it to an unimaginable, foul low. What was respectable in the conservative perspective has been abandoned in favor of anti-democratic, anti-American, totalitarian scheming. Vote ’em out!
Steve Self