
Volunteers needed to help plant trees Saturday

Don't forget that this is the weekend to help repair some of the damage done bye the Weber Fire. Last year, acres and acres of private land burned and displaced many residents as the Weber Fire swept across the hills of Mancos, leaving behind dust and ashes.

It is now time to plan to give back to the land.

The planting day will start at Boyle Park beginning at 9 a.m. Volunteers will branch off to the various planting sites by 9:30 a.m.

The Firewise Council of Southwest Colorado, the Southwest Bar Association and the Colorado State Forest Service are planning a seedling tree and shrub planting day April 27.

There will be 1,500 trees planted across eight private properties impacted by the Weber Fire last June.

But these organizations need the help of fellow Southwest Colorado residents. That is a lot of trees to plant, and the more hands to help, the better, said Rebecca Samulski, Montezuma County Coordinator, Firewise of Southwest Colorado and Wildland Fire Education Specialist, Montezuma County Fire Chief's Association.

Those who wish to participate are asked to call Samulski at 564-4007, to ensure there will be enough people to plant and there will be enough lunch to go around.

Samulski estimates that about 100 volunteers are needed.

"This will be a fun day, sun or shine, to get dirty and give something back to a mountain community that lost its forest," Samulski said.

Donations to support more tree planting on Colorado lands impacted by wildfires and other natural events, such as beetle devastation, can also be made online at