Ute Mountain Casino Hotel’s powwow canceled

After closely monitoring the surge in delta variant COVID-19 cases, Ute Mountain Casino Hotel and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Council announced the powwow scheduled for this weekend is canceled.

“Our Tribal Council’s extreme concern for the health and safety of our guests, tribal members, team and vendors was the driving point in the difficult decision,” said General Manager Rick Scheer. “We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to making the next powwow bigger and better than ever.”

Ute Mountain Casino Hotel will continue to watch what is happening at a state, regional and national level with regard to COVID-19 and the delta variant in order to reschedule the powwow once it is safe to do so.

For more information, visit www.UteMountainCasino.com or call 739-0737.