If you’re wondering how President Joe Biden or whoever is running (ruining) our country, has not been run out of Washington with the long list of poor decisions, horrid policy and downright embarrassing world-stage blunders, just wait, there is even more to ponder. Now we're going to cancel the obligations of some folks who knowingly and willingly signed up for student loans.
Let’s see. They went to collage and received the education they agreed to pay for. Then the underwater basket-weaving degree didn't pay out like they had hoped, so, of course, that is someone else's fault. So let’s demand that others pay off, reduce, forgive or forget the loan that was agreed to be paid. The money to pay for that education was done so by our government with our tax dollars. Anything look out of place here?
Biden is pandering to the adult infants who are demanding more spoon-feeding by giving away our hard-earned money. If you don't see signs of socialism here, you’re blind! How long before we start doing the same with home and vehicle loans? I see these sort of decisions and wonder how any logical-thinking person could believe this is good for the economy as it has been proposed to do.
How fair is it to people who paid back their loans? Shouldn't they get reimbursed? What happened to morals, integrity, living within your means or personal responsibility? If you like being taken advantage of, here's a big dose. Enjoy!
John Anderson