‘Un-Hurd’ thoughts, deep appreciation of public lands staff

I attended an event at the Dolores Library on Feb. 24 for a Q&A with Jeff Hurd’s regional director. Over 300 citizens showed up. The regional director did not.

This is part of what I’d planned to say:

Terry Tempest Williams coined the phrase “word bullets” in her book “Erosion.” Our American federal workers are currently being battered with word bullets of disrespect, insults and contempt.

They are losing their jobs through no fault of their own. These are American workers with families that include not only children, but in some cases aging parents. They have mortgages, credit card debt, doctor bills, grocery bills and car payments.

I know of several families where both spouses work for a federal agency. How can anyone not see or understand the ramifications of losing one’s job, health insurance and sense of self-worth in such a brutally cruel and offensive manner? How can anyone not see or understand what suddenly losing one’s job does to their family and community, financially and emotionally?

A recent U.S. Forest Service newsletter stated, “Without question there is a long overdue need for significant and lasting change in our country to reduce our growing deficit, but this should be done thoughtfully and with more respect and consideration for those who give so much and care so much that they have dedicated themselves to the work of the government.”

Although the current administration has berated and disrespected our public lands staff, you are heroes to many Americans.

Thank you for your service.

Caroline Brown
