
U.S. House like song ‘Anything Goes’

I found myself humming the old Cole porter song “Anything Goes” this week, while reading about committee assignments exacted from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy in exchange for his gavel.

In a press release referring to the contentious vote, U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert stated: “We changed the way the government will be funded. We changed the ways committees will be formed.” This makes apparent the right-wing House Freedom Caucus is seeing the first dividends from the deal it struck with McCarthy.

These junior members bullied their way into plum committee posts, leapfrogging over more senior Republicans. Sadly, it appears there will be little legislation going on but plenty of investigations, regardless of how far-fetched and pointless, since there needs to be plenty of talking points and outrage to post to social media.

Yes, even George Santos got a couple assignments. Yup, the Porter tune rings true, “But now, God knows, anything goes.”

Pam Rule
