
Trump supporters are not patriots

Can anyone explain why I see American flags next to Trump banners when I drive through Montezuma County? Are these people unaware that President Trump made every effort he felt he could get away with to overturn a valid election? After promoting the lie that he won a massive victory in the 2020 election, he later incited an angry mob to march on the Capitol in support of the Big Lie. He continues to lie about the election and damages faith in the American election process and democracy itself.

Why is this OK? Are these people deluded or do they simply not care about preserving American democracy? Trump’s servile attorney general, William Barr, told him it was “bull----.” Homeland Security called it the most secure election in American history. Multiple recounts were conducted in swing states. The Trump campaign lost scores of lawsuits concerning the election. Now Republican legislatures are passing legislation to place the counting of votes in their partisan hands or in hand-picked commissions that are sympathetic

All of this is turbocharged by the constant drumbeat of anger and grievance programming on Fox and other sources that still support Donald Trump. Unfortunately, anger works. It is always easier to feel than think.

It appears that support for the Trump election lie has the same character as a religion – “truth” is whatever a person believes just because they believe – no critical analysis is needed. Whatever Trump supporters call themselves now, they can stop calling themselves “patriots.”

Tom Williamson
