
Trump officially ranked as ‘worst in history’

In a March 10 letter in The Durango Herald, a neighbor from Cortez referred to Joe Biden as “the worst POTUS in modern history.” A little perspective seems justified.

Since taking office, Biden has effectively guided the nation through the pandemic. During his first two years in office, with a Democrat majority in the House, 362 bills were passed to help our nation deal with unemployment, inflation, health care and many other consequences of the pandemic.

Unfortunately, during the term of our current Republican majority House, 45 bills have been enacted, and only nine could be considered beneficial to the populace of the U.S. (other than continuing to fund the government). Considering this hobbling effect of a chaotic do-nothing House, Biden’s record seems admirable.

Furthermore, the most recent ranking of presidents by 154 historians and presidential specialists with the American Political Science Association has been published. Our 46 presidents were ranked and assigned a grade of one to 100.

Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt and George Washington were the only scores of 90 or higher. Theodore Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson, Harry S. Truman, Barack Obama, Dwight Eisenhower, Lyndon B. Johnson all scored in the 70s.

John F. Kennedy, James Madison, Bill Clinton and John Adams scored in the 60s, along with Joe Biden (14th) at 62.66. Pretty heady company for Biden.

By the way, this ranking of former presidents listed Donald Trump as the worst in the history of the U.S. His score is 10.92.

Gene Orr
