
‘Trump evolution of Democrats’ hate’

I don’t think any sentient person in the U.S. misunderstands that journalists are 95% liberals and the media reflects that fact. However, the linear growth of anti-conservative, anti-Republican reportage has been perplexing since the Reagan administration. Reagan was called a “Nazi” and many worse things by the Democrats and things only got progressively worse up to the times of George W. Bush.

I remember watching transfixed while some Durango liberals went into literal hyperventilation and red faces as they discussed Bush. But Donald Trump is the final evolution of Democrats’ hate, it seems. I often wonder what sort of president Trump could have been without the scheming, skullduggery and daily conspiracies by the Democrats who were determined to wreck his presidency.

However, with another election cycle underway, The Durango Herald is helping all it can with constant anti-Trump editorials and news (particularly from the AP) that is anti-conservative and anti-American. We need an honest and impartial news broker here in Durango. We need objective journalists who are concerned with getting all the news to the public and not just spinning the Democratic Party narrative. What does the community need to do to get that type of news brokerage?

Mike Sigman
