Trump belittled Latinos ‘over and over’

As a white guy, I'm elated that the Latino vote is being courted by the two players in our two-party “system.” I mean, gosh, Latinos are voters, too! In a Democracy, so are gays, transgender people, Polish people, Black people, liberal people, Native peoples, conservative people, insurrectionists. See the pattern? Everyone is welcome to the “table” in the voting booth.

Keen observers are interested in where this important Latino demographic is going to lean in the midterm elections. Republican or Democratic? Many Latinos have recently indicated the Democratic Party has left them! The leader of the Republican Party, defeated presidential candidate Donald Trump says many of you Latinos are good people but there are a lot of rapists, killers and drug dealers in “your group.” As a white guy, I'm proud he never cited “my group” with any of those societal scourges.

Once, the leader of the Republican Party (Trump) had a Hispanic judge ruling on one of his countless lawsuits. He said he couldn't trust that Latino judge to do the right thing because he was, well, Latino.

Hey, Latino brothers and sisters, it's not just you! The leader of the Republican Party (Trump) bad-mouthed Chinese people fairly recently with some kind of racist remark against Mitch McConnell's wife who could be Chinese. She can vote, too.

Wake up, and smell the menudo! The leader of the Republican Party (Trump) has diminished and belittled the Latino people over and over again with his destructive words. Heed them!

Keith Riker
