Trump again? No thanks

The very existence of Donald J. Trump in our political system, as a president, election loser, election result denier, insurrectionist and a vicious, dark figure in a free America must end once and for all. He is a festered scab on the USA. He has ruined this nation, with unethical acts, threats and promises of violence and lies that roll off his tongue with reckless abandon. I’m one of millions of voters who’s had too many gut-wrenching, bad days due to this dude’s very existence in a treasured, orderly system of governance. He has the word “Republican” attached to his name on your national ballot. Anyone with a Republican designation in our election must be defeated. It’s too important that the cancer that is Trump be eradicated. The danger of a relapse with the errant cells of his supporters returning again, needs to be met with resolve and a cure for a nation he’s made sick.

Get the stench out. Let the sun shine in. “Trump Again”? You’ve got to be kidding.

Keith Riker
