
Trinity Lutheran Church to reopen for in-person services

The Journal

Trinity Lutheran Church will reopen for in-person services at 9 a.m. Sunday.

The handicap ramp will be used as a one-way entry point. There will also be a “check-in” station at the top of the ramp where members will be given hand sanitizer and a face mask.

Temperatures will be taken and members will be asked about any symptoms they might be experiencing. Those with a temperature or who are displaying any symptoms will be asked to join the service online or by watching the televised worship service on channel 22.7.

After “check-in,” members will be given a bulletin and an usher will show them to their seats.

Sanctuary seating has been arranged to allow for six feet of social distancing between each family group. While worshiping, members are asked to keep masks on as a courtesy to others. At the end of worship, members will be ushered out and may join in safe and socially distanced fellowship outside of the church building.

Fellowship coffee and snacks after worship will not be offered for the time being. Adult bible study will be held at 10:45 a.m. online at