
This Week in History

J.M. Randall and Mr. Estes in Randall’s store, 1918. (Photo Henry Jackson Collection)

The following is a recap of local events for this time period throughout history.

41 years ago (1982)

A Redstone Helicopters helicopter will deliver Santa Claus to Aztec for the first of two Saturday visits this weekend. The chopper carrying Santa will land at 10 a.m. Saturday, Dec. 11, in Rocket Park on N. Main Ave. Santa will spend the rest of the day on the streets and in businesses visiting with the area’s youngsters and passing out candy. His hours will be 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Youngsters who miss him this Saturday will have one more chance to chat with him on Saturday, Dec. 18, during the same hours.

Aztec Independent Review

50 years ago (1973)

Everyone in the community is invited to enjoy the two music programs to be presented next Monday and Tuesday nights by the Koogler Junior High and Park Avenue Elementary school music departments. The concerts are free to the public and a fine contribution to the holiday season in Aztec. The Koogler Junior High School bank will present their Christmas program at the junior high gym Monday, Dec. 17, at 7 p.m., under direction of Martin Waldrop. Numbers performed by the 7th grade band will include: “Entry of the Gladiators” by Julius Fucik; “Village Charm” by Eric Osterling and “Celebration” by James Ployhar. The advanced band will play “Hogan’s Heroes March” by Jerry Fielding; “Twelve Days of Christmas” by Wally Johnson; “By the Time I Get to Phoenix” by Jim Webb; “Norwegian Folk Song Suite” by Frank Erickson; “Poland at Christmas” by Lloyd Conley; and “Soul Explosion” by John Caruso

Aztec Independent Review

75 years ago (1948)

The Aztec Lions Club is sponsoring an outdoor Christmas Lighting Contest and offering liberal rewards for the best display of outdoor lighting. The judging will take place Christmas Eve. A prize of $10 will be given the display the judges think best, and second prize will be $5.

Aztec Independent Review

100 years ago (1923)

When we read in the papers of the furious blizzards of southern and eastern New Mexico and the plains country to the east and of the cold wave in Los Angeles, where the thermometer registered 26, we can smile and congratulate ourselves that we live in the sunny San Juan. While it is colder here than in California, we are prepared for the clear cool days and nights and enjoy the sunshine and still days. We have had practically no wind, little snow, and the roads are fine. Hundreds of tourists have been stalled in the snows of eastern New Mexico and at least ten have frozen to death in the state.

San Juan Review

110 years ago (1913)

TFrom Senate Bills 63 and 212 we take the following: “The barter, sale or exchange of intoxicating liquors is hereby prohibited within two miles of the limits of any incorporated city, town or village should such city adopt prohibition according to this act. If a majority of the votes cast at any such election shall be in favor of prohibition, the barter, sale or exchange of intoxicating liquors within the limit of any such district shall thereafter be prohibited, except for medicinal, scientific, mechanical, or sacramental purposes …” That the people of Aztec are for prohibition was shown by the vote 74 for and 4 against. The law above quoted explicitly states that all liquors sold for above purposes shall be entered in a book kept at the drug stores and certificates signed by the purchaser, and only upon prescription by licensed physician, and in quantity of not to exceed one pint and such certificate cancelled and good for only the one sale.

Farmington Times Hustler

120 years ago (1903)

There are three times as many stores and five times as many goods in Farmington today as there were three years ago. There is five times as much business done also. Not that there are five times as many people in the territory adjacent, but, of course, there are several more, but the business methods have drawn the trade this way. If you have not been one of those who have realized the advantages of trading here, come and make a test. The goods are here and the prices and service will please you. Come in for a trial trip during the Holiday trading season.

Farmington Times Hustler

This Week in Local History is compiled by Debi Tracy Olsen, local journalist and member of the Aztec Museum Board of Directors. The stories are pulled from newspaper archives and are reprinted as they appeared, errors and all.