This county being strangled by socialism

The U.S. economic engine became great because of innovation and free-market practices. Yet Montezuma County has officials who promote a socialist protected economy.

One such administrator blocked a grant application by my charity, NPI, to obtain funding for demonstration of new crop production technologies. Crops produced were to be safely processed and donated to local SNAP (food stamp) recipients. The excuse was that NPI’s efforts were not needed and would compete with area farmers. Never mind that few SNAP recipients are cash customers of farmers.

Another county administrator refused to provide a letter of endorsement for another NPI grant opportunity similar to the SNAP-oriented grant. This administrator named four local crop production entities and one local farm food sales entity that he said might be damaged by NPI’s advanced and innovative crop production demonstrations. In brief, this administrator was promoting a protected economy.

NPI has engaged in the development of innovative crop production means for over 25 years worldwide and could have provided increased food security for local low-income populations and donated new technologies to farmers. This all seemed to be a threat to local socialists.

David A. NuttleDolores