
The silent majority has no voice

Fred Phelps hit the nail on the head (letters, Journal, Dec. 15). I also miss having a local paper. I even miss having the paper printed in Cortez by local employees. Durango is a world away from us.

The Journal has way too much liberal dribble. It is hard to read the paper any more or to watch a lot of TV shows because they are filled with a sickening philosophy that we don’t support. I love Rep. Lauren Boebert and those who speak out for us. This is the case for the entire state. I was proud of Colorado until an election, when I became amazed at how the election turned out. It is because we are being controlled by the Interstate 70 and Interstate 25 corridors.

The vast area of Colorado doesn’t agree with the liberal agenda. I took down my Colorado flag and put up a Trump flag under the Stars and Stripes and won’t take it down. I am proud to have it visible from miles of U.S. highway. Look at a map of the United States that shows red and blue areas. Only the fringes (New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver, Detroit, Chicago, etc.) support liberal ideas. Almost all of the area in the U.S. loves America, God, Democracy, hard work, the traditional family, providing for oneself and the Constitution.

Build the wall! While you are at it, run it up the east edge of California and continue it up to the Canadian border. Let the freeloaders take care of their own problems.

Thomas B. Burnison
