
Thanks from Habitat

Habitat for Humanity of Montezuma County’s truck for picking up donated goods is now equipped with a lift gate, thanks to the generosity of several local businesses.

Fast Eddie’s/Coyote Car Crushers and Bruce Frizzell donated a lift gate in response to our classified ad. Because it had come from a truck of the same model and required fewer modifications, the decision was made to go with the lift gate from Fast Eddie’s. D&L Service installed the lift gate, which also involved removing the truck bumper and replacing the tail lights. D&L owner Don Whitehead donated hours of time and expertise in cutting, welding, fabricating, and running electrical cable.

Thanks to all of you, we can now more safely and easily load and unload large and heavy donations like refrigerators, sleeper sofas and pianos.

Thanks again to Bruce Frizzell, Fast Eddie’s, D&L Service, and all who partner with Habitat to work toward the goal of eliminating poverty housing in Montezuma County.