
Thanks for the spectacular fireworks

I wish to offer a heartfelt thanks to city officials, the Ertels, and any responsible persons involved in the Cortez fireworks last Saturday night. The firework display rivaled and was comparable to those in larger cities I’ve seen in the past. Thank you for the careful planning, security and safety, cleanup, but most of all, for the outstanding firework display that gave the audience a half-hour of oohs and aahs as we took in the huge variety of lights, sounds, colors and designs of the beautiful art of fireworks. From the flame plume, to the burst of multiple fireworks against the dark sky to the progressive waterfall along the ground it was a delight from start to finish. One surprise after another, pyrotechnics at it’s best. Along with the lightening on the horizon and the rain that followed, it was a perfect ending to our nation’s holiday.

Rozanne Baker
