
Thanks for making Blue concert happen

There were many people involved in pulling off our memorable event featuring Josh Blue at Parque de Vida. If we left someone out, tell everyone you know. If we misspell your name, talk to your parents. In very random order:

Josh Blue, Steve, Cliffrose, MCHS Band Boosters, Eric Happy Baker, Main Street Brewery, Diesel Tech, Lions Club SO Food Vendors, Babette Kimble, Willson Bloch, Vectra Bank, PA Jackson, Burger Boy, Jamie Meyer, Greg Lindus, Verde Valley Dancers, Angels End Zone, Dolores State Bank, Holiday Inn Express, Sonic, Lakeside Lanes, Chris Lindus, Patty Simmons, Judy Schreckenbach, Carquest, Gib, Sahara Thurston, Amie Fair, Melissa Moreno,Vangy McCoy, Domino’s, 1st National Bank, Dean Palmquist, Kevin Frazier, Tequila’s, Marcy Aldaz, West Slope Liquors, Pioneer Printing, Wake Up Laughing, Rocky Mountain One Stop, Kokopelli’s, Notah Dineh, Jeff Hill, Dr. John Vestal, April Baisan, Alan Seaton, Liquid Assets, Mike Ashcroft, Montelores Early Childhood Council, Denise Kaufman, Walter Reed, Katrina Lindus, Rich Jensen, Lara McHenry, Brittany Conors, Pinon Project, Beth Waldorf, and Community Connections. Josh had a really good time and hopes to return!

Donna Fitzpatrick and Trish Peters