
Thanks for another Farmers Market season

On behalf of the Cortez Farmers Market, I would like to take this opportunity to thank: our customers and community for your enthusiastic presence and support every week; Connie Baber for keeping our website going; Rosie Carter for her past years as our treasurer; Lee Hill for taking over the treasury job; Cheryl Young at the Extension Office for every single thing she does for us; Tom Hooten at the Extension Office for his continuing efforts on our behalf; Montezuma County for allowing us the use of the parking lot; Mark Drudge and the Cortez Retail Enhancement Association for the grant which allowed us to advertise throughout the season; the City of Cortez for the grant which helped us in supply entertainment; all the musicians who kept us entertained and dancing; Laura McHenry and the Cortez Library for telling stories to the children; the Friends of the Market Jodie Sutton and the other volunteers who help me set up, keep things flowing smoothly, and break down the Market, for another wonderful year at the Market.

I personally want to thank every one of our vendors who’s hard work, creativity and generous spirit supplies us with the best produce and products in the area, as well as their continued contribution to the economy and well-being of the citizens of Montezuma and Dolores counties.

Thank you everyone! I’m looking forward to seeing you again in 2015!

Theresa Titone, manager

Cortez Farmers Market